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A to Z Kiss 0 Comments

By NIsha
Thursday, April 22, 2010 | Posted in , ,

One of the most zealous moments for any lover is the time when he/she kisses. Trust me, if you want to take your relationship to another level, a kiss is just the thing to go ahead with.
Below are few different types of kisses that can never bring monotony in your relation. Try all the kisses right from A to Z.

A for…..

Angel Kiss

This is a charming, calming kiss. Gently and ever so lightly kiss your partner either on the eye lid or right next to the eyes.

B for…

Buzzing Kiss

Smoothly place your lips against your lover's neck, behind their ear. Now, send a wobble through their skin by gently growling and buzzing, vibrating your lips and cheeks as you do so. Move up and down the neck, over the bones of the face and lips. Stimulating and erotic when done correctly.

 C for…

Cheek Kiss

A gracious, "I really like you" kiss. Often the favored kissing method of a first date. With your hands on your partner's shoulders, gently brush your lips across her cheek.

D for…

Duck Kiss

Budge your head back and forth like a duck while your tongue moves in and out of your partner’s mouth like a lizard.

E for…

Eskimo Kiss

With your faces less than a breath apart, softly rub your noses together. This would give you a feeling of her breath as near as yours.

F for…

Fish Kiss

Both you and your spouse should suck in your cheeks until your lips are shaped like a fish. After that, move towards each other with your lips gap and closing until your lips meet. This is a fun and pleasurable kiss.

G for…

Gypsy kiss

Calmly kiss and lick the neck, then slowly move up to the ear. If she is wearing earrings, put it in your mouth as you suck on her earlobe.

H for…

Hickey Kiss

Try this only if you are very close in a relation. The purpose is not to draw blood, but to softly leave a mark that will prove your interlude was not a dream. This is often included in erotic foreplay.

I for…

Ice Kiss

Lay an ice cube in your partner’s belly button, telling them that if they move and it falls out, you will stop kissing them. When the ice cube melts, you can use the cold water all over to make for an overwhelming sensation.

J for…

Jaw line Kiss

Begin by short kisses right under the jaw and work your way down to the collar bone. Next, blow a little air as you make your way back to the jaw.

K for…

Kiss with a curl

Tilt in to kiss your partner and just as they come to meet your lips, pull back. They'll think your playing, but surprise them by leaning in and giving them the kiss of a lifetime!

L for…

Lizard Kiss

When you are leaning in to kiss your partner, glue the tip of your tongue out and touch their lips. Rapidly return your tongue to you mouth. It's particularly funny when both of you do it at the same time.

M for…

Make-out Starter Kiss

While you're kissing, move your tongue back and forth actually fast. If your partner says no matter, act like it didn't happen...It's a great make-out starter.

 N for…

Non-stop Kiss

Make out; glide your tongue in and out of your partner’s mouth. Keep going for as long as you can. Make a bet who can kiss for long.

O for…

Open Eye Kiss

Gaze your loved one in the eye. While staring at them, lean in and kiss them slowly, looking into their eyes the intact time. This will show your partner how much you care about them, and give them butterflies at the same time!

P for…

Peck Kiss

Kiss your partner's lips lightly as to say a modest. This isn't very intimate, but it's kind of exciting!

Q for…

Quickie Kiss

This kind of kiss is generally practiced when you're in a rush. But the kind of intimacy both gets digs a path for the later hot session. 

R for…

Rain kiss

What could be more romantic than kissing your partner in rain? Go according to the rhythms of rain, start with slow and calm kiss followed by a passionate one, just like the rain pace.

S for…

See-Saw Kiss

Clutch your partner. Get closer as you attach tongues. Move your tongues up and down from the roof of your mouths to the bottom of the mouths creating a see-saw motion. If done correctly, it will create a tangy, fun-filled adventure.

T for…

Tickle Kiss

Tickle the top of your partner's mouth with your tongue. It feels great and will give them a wild sensation.

U for…

Upside down Kiss

You stand at the back your partner (who is seated or lying down) and have them slope their head back. Then kiss them so that you bite their lower lip and they nibble yours. This is fun and feels good because you can feel them breathing on your neck as you kiss.

V for…

Vampire Kiss

All is fair in love and war, then why not vampire’s kiss? When kissing, smoothly bite his/her tongue so they can't pull away. While you have it between your teeth, suck on their tongue with your mouth. It will drive them crazy.

W for…

Wet Kiss

Once you have been kissing adequate that both of your lips are wet, with your mouth barely open, gently rub back and forth, up and down, around and around. This will not only give a sensation but also elevate you moves to next actions.

X for…

X-rated kiss…

This kind of kiss is one of its kinds, while kissing open-mouthed; slightly suck in as if you were sucking the air from your partner’s mouth. This is a playful kiss.

Y for…

Yummy kiss

Kiss your partner softly, just slightly below and adjacent to the belly button. This will drive pretty much any woman wild.

Z for…

Zingy Kiss

Softly kiss your partner on the lips then take his or her breath away by opening your mouths together while one exhales and the other inhales his or her breath. It is sexy, opulent and draws you closer.

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