tamil cinema news: Namitha Kidnapped ?

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Namitha Kidnapped ? 0 Comments

By NIsha
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 | Posted in , ,

Namitha was shocked to find herself being kidnapped by a youth when she was at Trichy airport. The 26-year-old Karuppusamy informed Namitha that he was the car driver sent by her event organizers to transport her to Karur where a function to felicitate actor SS Rajendran was to take place.

The actress went along with him and the real driver who was supposed to drive Namitha to Karur alerted the event organizers.

After a long chase, the car was intercepted and Karuppusamy was arrested. He revealed that he was an ardent Namitha fan and did not mean any harm to her. Karuppusamy also told the police that he merely intended to drop her off at the function venue. The police are further investigating this issue.

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