tamil cinema news: Trisha Pair With Rajini ?

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Trisha Pair With Rajini ? 0 Comments

By NIsha
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 | Posted in , , ,

The latest buzz in Kollywood is that KS Ravi Kumar, who will be directing a part of the Rajini-starrer Hara, has requested Trisha to play the Superstar’s heroine. While Soundarya Rajinikanth has already completed directing most of this animation film, she has signed up KS Ravi Kumar to handle the movie part.

According to the latest rumor in Kollywood, Trisha is KSR’s choice to play Rajini’s lead pair as he has to direct five songs sets to tune by the Oscar winner AR Rahman.

It may be mentioned here that Vijayalakshmi plays Rajini’s pair in the animation version.

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