tamil cinema news: Latest News For Endhiran

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Latest News For Endhiran 0 Comments

By NIsha

Director Shankar has started the last schedule of shoot for talkie portions yesterday and with its completion the entire talkie portions would be ready.

And for the much awaited audio release, Shankar said the last song for the film is still in composition stage and once that is done and mastering also completed he will immediately announce the date for audio launch.

Shankar also said there is some more serious work still left for ‘Endhiran’. The final song is yet to be recorded and then only they will be able to go for the picturisation. There is also graphics works and around 200 complicated special effects yet to be done. And then are final editing and background score. Oscar Winner Resul Pookutty is doing the sound mixing and he is already on the job.

So with substantial work still left will the film be able to hit the theatres this year?  Shankar says the film will be in the theatres in just a few months positively. We are waiting.

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