tamil cinema news: Mohanlal presents award to martyr Sandeep

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Mohanlal presents award to martyr Sandeep 0 Comments

By NIsha
Thursday, March 11, 2010 | Posted in , ,

In Thiruvananthapuram at the awards ceremony of the Baby John Foundation Actor Mohanlal presented the bravery award posthumously to martyr Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, The award was received by Sandeep’s father K. Unnikrishnan and mother Dhanalakshmi.
Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan was one of the martyrs who gave his life in fighting terrorists who attacked Mumbai city on November 26, 2008.
Sandeep’s mother told Mohanlal that Sandeep was a big fan of his and the brave heart has seen every new release of the actor. Just before the award was handed over to Sandeep’s parents, the audience lit candle lights and stood in silence for a minute in remembrance of the brave soldier.
Mohanlal gave the Baby John oration. Shibu Baby John, Vakkachen Mattathil, Aryadan Mohammad and Shaji B. John also spoke on the occasion.

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