tamil cinema news: Simbu Not in Lingusamy Project ?

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Simbu Not in Lingusamy Project ? 0 Comments

By NIsha
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 | Posted in , , ,

Lingusamy and producer Dayanidhi Azhagiri of Cloud Nine Movies are reportedly upset with Silambarasan. Apparently, the two are irked over the fact that the actor had opted to star in Vaanam and had announced that it would move simultaneously with the Lingusamy project. Lingusamy and Dayanidhi, sources say, are considering replacing Silambarasan for the main role, as they want the actor’s entire concentration on their film.
In the meantime, Silambarasan is camping in Mumbai and holding discussions with percussionist Siva Mani and music director Dharan for Poda Podi. The actor is probably concentrating on Vaanam and Poda Podi.

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