tamil cinema news: Ameer to act in SAC's direction ?

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Ameer to act in SAC's direction ? 0 Comments

By NIsha
Tuesday, November 30, 2010 | Posted in , ,

Ameer is ready to strike after a year. His ‘Adhi Bhagavan’ is in its final lap with only two songs waiting to be picturised to complete the film.

After ‘Adhi Bhagavan’, Ameer was to do a film with Vijay for which he had already discussed the script with the actor. But Vijay needed time to finish his prior commitments.

In the meanwhile Vijay’s father SA Chandrasekaran wanted Ameer to act under his direction. The request was accepted by Ameer and the movie will start rolling in the first week of December.

The film will have two heroines vying for the hero’s attention. One would be ‘Virunthali’ Dhyana and the other is being finalized. SAC has committed to complete the film in flat 60 days from the start.

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