tamil cinema news: Comedian Santhanam Met Nithyanandha ?

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Comedian Santhanam Met Nithyanandha ? 0 Comments

By NIsha

Santhanam, who had the audience in splits with his antics, has met the controversial god-man Nithyanandha in Bangalore early this morning (27th Feb). The comedian who is busy shooting for the film Muppozhudhum Un Karpanaigal alongside Atharva and Amala Paul in Bangalore has taken some time off to meet Nithyanandha. Accompanying him was executive producer Venkat whose recent film is the soon to be released Ko.

Nithyanandha who is based in Karnataka was a well known god-man who had several followers which included famous celebrities. A sting operation by a popular magazine showed him allegedly with a Tamil actress which brought about his fall and became one of the raging controversies of recent times. Speculating about why the comedian and the producer met him, we wonder if the rumors about a movie being made about Nithyanandha are true! Watch this space for more!

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