tamil cinema news: Kalaignar TV vs 2G Spectrum Scam - CBI ?

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Kalaignar TV vs 2G Spectrum Scam - CBI ? 0 Comments

By NIsha
Thursday, February 17, 2011 | Posted in , ,

After denying links with the 2G spectrum scam, DMK owned Kalaignar TV has now said that the Central investigating agencies can verify their accounts and documents at any time. The CBI is currently investigating about the transfer of over Rs. 200 crores from Cineyug of Mumbai to Kalaignar TV as part of its probe into the 2G spectrum scam.

“If either the CBI or the Income Tax department has any suspicion in this regard, Kalaignar TV has no objection to its accounts and documents being verified by the agencies,” the channel's managing director Sharad Kumar said in a statement.

He also added that there was a difference in the evaluation of shares; Kalaignar TV returned Rs. 200 crores that it had received from Cineyug Films with Rs. 31 crores as interest

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