tamil cinema news: Vijay in Nagapattinam Public Meet

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Vijay in Nagapattinam Public Meet 0 Comments

By NIsha

Vijay held a protest meet at the VDP College Grounds for the fishermen in Nagapattinam and it was not any usual meeting. Vijay’s speech which was to start at 4 00 pm was delayed for about an hour due to the rains but the star and the audience waited patiently until the skies cleared. The wait was worth it, for Vijay gave a dazzling speech apart from providing them all relief. Vijay urged the fisher folk to write to the Chief Minister and Prime Minister and speedup the process of getting relief. He also emphasized that they are all like brothers to him and that they will all stand together in the time of hardships.

Vijay’s father SA Chandrasekhar who acted as the chief guest handed over Rs. 50,000 each, on stage, to two families that lost their sole bread winners in the atrocities committed. Besides this about 10 severely affected families were given fishing equipment and Rs. 10,000 each. Vijay seems to be a perfect politician material and we hope he does many more yeomen service like this in future.

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