tamil cinema news: Mankatha Audio Launch in July ?

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Mankatha Audio Launch in July ? 0 Comments

By NIsha

Couple of days left for the single track album of ‘Mankatha’ to hit audio stores, ‘Thala’ fans have some more good news. Yes, the audio launch of complete track is scheduled to be launched by second week of June as Sony BMG affirms it.

As known earlier, the album has nine tracks that include a club mix of a track and signature music of ‘Mankatha’. Meanwhile, the pre-order sales of the single track album are doing good business as it includes some special offers.

Closer sources to Cloud Nine Movies have revealed that the producers are planning to release the film by July. It is worth mentioning that there are some more big tickets ‘Deiva Thirumagal, ‘Avan Ivan’ and ‘Velayudham’ scheduled for release in June and July

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