tamil cinema news: Court Summon to Sun Pictures Kalanidhi Maran ?

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Court Summon to Sun Pictures Kalanidhi Maran ? 0 Comments

By NIsha

The XIII Metropolitan Magistrate in Chennai issued summons to Sun Pictures managing director Kalanidhi Maran and director Shankar to appear before the court in person on June 24 in connection with a case filed by Tamil writer Aroor Tamilnadan aka Amudha Tamilnadan, alleging that the original story of their Enthiran (Robot) was lifted right out of his short story 'Jugiba'.

According to senior advocate K. Elangovan who represented the writer, Enthiran was based on his story Jugiba, published in Iniya Udhayam magazine in 1996.

"In this regard, we have already filed a copyright violation complaint with the-then city police commissioner T. Rajendran, but the police failed to file an FIR and insisted on deleting the name of Kalanidhi Maran from the complaint," said Elangovan. As the producer who made profit out of the movie, Maran's name should not be dropped from the complaint, Elangovan said.

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