tamil cinema news: S.P Jananathan and Jeeva make period flick ?

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S.P Jananathan and Jeeva make period flick ? 0 Comments

By NIsha

Think period films and our minds immediately rush to a war backdrop with our protagonist fighting away hundred baddies with his sword and his lady love awaiting him truly.

This is not our fault because almost all Indian period films we know of, needless to mention names, revolve around a war or an epic story showcasing good vs. evil sort of concepts.

Doing away from these will soon be a flick directed by SP Jananathan. The Kollywood grapevine abuzz is that, SP Jananathan will be joining hands with actor Jeeva for this movie. The duo had earlier worked together for ‘E,’ a movie that received much critical-acclaim due to its unique script.

It is said that the director is still working on this untitled project and the movie dates back to South India that was a 1000 years ago. Instead of showcasing a typical war backdrop the film will be a love story set in South India 1000 years back that was rich with literature works and scholars, when the whole world was not yet that civilized.

SP Jananathan is researching on Tamilians who excelled in engineering and Tamil literature that surrounds it. Looks like we have yet another interesting movie from SP and Jeeva…

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