tamil cinema news: Ranjitha Give Complaint against Sun TV ?

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Ranjitha Give Complaint against Sun TV ? 0 Comments

By NIsha
Wednesday, July 13, 2011 | Posted in , ,

Ranjitha, who was caught on camera in a compromising position with Nithyananda, has said that the person in the video is not her and her face has been attached by a modern technology called morphing.

The actress said that before telecasting the video clippings, Sun TV had demanded a huge sum from her for not airing it on their channel. She said that every detail pertaining to the case has been disclosed to the Commissioner of Police through a complaint.

Ranjitha said that she did not complain for the past one and half years because she knew there would be no action. With the change in the government, Ranjitha said that she is confident that she would get justice.

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