tamil cinema news: Velayudham Shooting on comedian Goundamani House

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Velayudham Shooting on comedian Goundamani House 0 Comments

By NIsha

Recently Vijay and the unit of his M Raja directed Velayudham was in Pollachi for some last minute patchwork of the film. They had to shoot an important connecting scene against the backdrop of a well.

Raja and Vijay went on a location hunt around Pollachi and its surrounding areas. Finally they zeroed in on a remote village Valla Gundapuram and cinematographer Priyan pitched his camera and art director and his team dug a well there.

During their stay in Valla Gundapuram they came to know that comedian Goundamani had his ancestral house there, where his mother lives.

Vijay and Raja made a surprise visit to catch up with his mother who was very hospitable to them. She even allowed them to shoot inside her house. Vijay and his team showed their love for the villagers by gifting them the well that they had dug for the shoot of the film.

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