tamil cinema news: Vijay's Velayudham Budget Rs 45 Crores ?

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Vijay's Velayudham Budget Rs 45 Crores ? 0 Comments

By NIsha
Tuesday, July 19, 2011 | Posted in , ,

Aascar Films V Ravichandran, the producer of Vijay's Velayudham has decided to release it directly. The entire shoot of the film is over, except for a song which will be shot in a foreign location. The budget of Velayudham which was initially said to be Rs 35 Crore has gone haywire. Now the film when it reaches the theatres will cost Rs 45 Crore due to various factors like more number of shooting days, production delays and increased special effects and graphics cost. The film has been sold only Indian domestic only Kerala and Karnataka.

No distributor in TN is willing to touch it due to high cost. There are no big buyers in Tamil cinema after the recent political change of guard.  The best way out for Aascar films is to release directly to the theatres , on MG or deposit basis. Aascar Ravi has done it successfully when he made biggies like Dasavatharam and Anniyan. If all goes well, Vijay fans can look forward to Velayudham release in the last week of August.

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