tamil cinema news: Sasi Kumar and Samuthirakkani Ready for Porali ?

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Sasi Kumar and Samuthirakkani Ready for Porali ? 0 Comments

By NIsha
Saturday, December 25, 2010 | Posted in , ,

Sasikumar-Samuthirakkani is now ready to get-go with its next film titled ‘Porali’. The duo will repeat the roles as it was in ‘Nadodigal’ with Samuthirakkani wielding megaphone and Sasikumar in lead character. Since ‘Easan’ has yielded good results, they have decided to kick-start shooting shortly.

Talks are going on to finalize the crewmembers and official confirmations will be made shortly. Just as the title signifies, Sasikumar is reported of playing a contemporaneous warrior fighting for a good cause.

Having delivered a stupendous record of hat-trick with ‘Subramaniapuram’, ‘Nadodigal’ and ‘Easan’, Sasikumar and Samuthirakkani are spotted sure-footed of winning again.

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