tamil cinema news: Surya Real Face !!!!

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Surya Real Face !!!! 0 Comments

By NIsha
Thursday, December 2, 2010 | Posted in , ,

"One of assistant director In Films & His relation worked in sun pictures for 1year as a coordinator.. some people think that surya is a gud person but your are wrong a car driver who is working in sun pictures saw him on ayan movie interview inside the studio.. that time a shocking matter happened. Many drivers and workers who are working there wants to take a photo with him after the interview, but after the interview when he came outside he shouted I am not interested in taking photos, will u people give me some space"? And again went inside.. the people standing outside got angry with him and went off. Ater half an hour 12 or 13 girls was waiting outside, there was no one except these girls that time, they were also working in that company, when he came outside again he saw them and happily took photo with them.. the driver who told this to me was there on the spot for 3hours and was a surya fan.. when he was telling me he told that he dissapointed about surya, and said "what a evil character he is"... So friends spread this matter to everyone even surya fans. and le them know what a bad person he is.... so surya fans should think about this..

It's a true incident. believe..

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