tamil cinema news: Director Ameer Started "Maanavar Marumalarchi Thittam" ?

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Director Ameer Started "Maanavar Marumalarchi Thittam" ? 0 Comments

By NIsha
Saturday, April 23, 2011 | Posted in , ,

One of the Best Director Ameer has said that he would play a crucial role in the next Assembly elections, by making more number of youngsters to vote.

“It’s wrong for some actors to step into politics only at the time of polls and to launch personal attacks during public campaigns. Rather, they should strive for decent politics,” said the actor-director.

Revealing his plans, Ameer said, “I will sure be there in the political field during the 2016 elections. I have already started ‘Maanavar Marumalarchi Thittam’, through which I am interacting with a lot of students.”

“When Anna Hazare could achieve at his age, we too could do sure our bit to the society,” he said and added: “I want to make everyone to vote. This is my ambition and I will achieve it.”

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