tamil cinema news: Ameer and Bharathiraja to clash!

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Ameer and Bharathiraja to clash! 0 Comments

By NIsha

The Tamil Film Directors Association (TFDA) will be the first of the associations which will be holding fresh elections. Noted director Bharathiraja is the current president of the association. He will be contesting for a second term and Paruthi Veeran Ameer has decided to take him on.

It will be an interesting contest between these two directors who have brought new wave cinema to Kollywood. Ameer has the support of the younger group in TFDA like Cheran standing for Secretary.

Gautham Menon, Murugadoss, Vasanthabalan, Venkatesh, Balasekaran and Prabhu Solomon are in the Ameer camp. The old guards like Selvamani, Ezhil and others are with the veteran director.

TFDA has about 2100 members and elections are going to be held on June 19. It will be a battle between young guns and the old guards.

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