tamil cinema news: Vijay in Shanghai International Film Festival

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Vijay in Shanghai International Film Festival 0 Comments

By NIsha

Kavalan was screened at Cathay cinema, one of Shanghai's oldest and most popular cinema halls and it was a house full show. This was the first film that inaugurated the ‘Focus India’ section of panorama. In fact all tickets for five shows of Kavalan were completely sold out.

There was a big round of applause when Vijay, on behalf of South Indian Film Artitst's Association, presented as a gesture of friendship between the two countries, a hamsa lamp, incense sticks of various fragrance and a peacock representing India’s national bird. Brochures and bookmarks were distributed to the audience who surrounded Vijay for autograph. The show was called ‘meet and greet’ Vijay which started with Vijay’s speech which was translated to the audience.

VJ as Vijay is called fondly by everyone there, looked debonair and suave, spoke with a lot of feeling and emotion which was well received by the audience. The screening of Kavalan happened after the speech which had the English sub titles by Rekhs and also the Chinese subtitles below it.

The film was well enjoyed by the audience who surrounded him after the completion of the movie and the comments ranged from, “He is fantastic” to “He is hot” to “Bhoomi you rock!!!!” to “We love Indian films and never get a chance to see them” to “Why did he wait for so long to marry Meera ( film)? Some of the audience felt that Vijay is the Jackie Chan of India as he dances and fights very well.

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