tamil cinema news: Vikram's Deiva Thirumagal Release on June 15 ?

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Vikram's Deiva Thirumagal Release on June 15 ? 0 Comments

By NIsha

Vikram's Deiva Thirumagal directed by Vijay was supposed to have been released in April, but it was postponed. The film has been dogged by controversy regarding the title and the portrayal of a certain section of the populace. Changes had to be made and the offended people pacified before the film could proceed to its release.

And now it is confirmed that the film will be released on July 15th. The team is relieved and everybody is waiting to see the audience response to all their hard work. Anushka and Amala Paul will also be seen in this film in addition to comedian Santhanam.

Vikram plays an autistic character. Sean Penn received an academy award nomination for a similar portrayal and closer home, Shah Rukh Khan attempted it. Insiders who have seen the rushes are swearing that this is one of Vikram's finest performances and might just win him another national award.

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