tamil cinema news: Narain Play Villan Role in Mughamoodi ?

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Narain Play Villan Role in Mughamoodi ? 0 Comments

By NIsha

Narain has been signed to do the 'bad man' in Jiiva's Mysskin directed Mughamoodi. The film is about super hero played by Jiivaa and is strongly rumoured to be on similar lines like Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight.

The buzz is that Jiiva will play the super hero, while Narain would be an equal and strong foil to him by playing the 'Joker'. Mysskin in his first meeting with Jiiva told him that unless the bad guy character is as strong as the super hero, the film will not work.

For Mughamoodi, Narain has started to attend special karate classes. He will also have a look which would be menacing. The pre-production on the film is going on in the full swing with shooting likely to start end August.

Mysskin is writing the script with equal footage for Jiiva and Narain. Narain has signed the film for his highest ever salary, as he is playing a negative character. The film will be a turning point in his career.

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