tamil cinema news: Venghai Release on July 7th ?

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Venghai Release on July 7th ? 0 Comments

By NIsha
Thursday, June 30, 2011 | Posted in , ,

Finally, Venghai seems to have managed to come out unscathed from the legal wrangle that was imposed on it. The film ran into trouble with a wannabe director, Kalai Selvam claiming that the title belonged to him as he had it registered.

This created a lot of confusion and the matter was taken to the court for settlement. Now, everything seems to have been sorted to the satisfaction of all the parties concerned. Director Hari and Dhanush have got the title Venghai and the film will be released on July 7th 2011 as planned earlier.

Venghai stars Dhanush and Tamannah in the lead roles and this movie has been awarded an U/A certificate.

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