tamil cinema news: AIADMK Gave 3 seats to Vijay’s Makkal Iyakkam ?

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AIADMK Gave 3 seats to Vijay’s Makkal Iyakkam ? 0 Comments

By NIsha

Tamil cinema and Tamil Nadu politics are like two sides of a coin. That too with the Assembly elections nearing, you just can’t separate these two powerful entities, which go hand in hand for decades.

Coming to the latest buzz, Vijay’s Makkal Iyakkam, which is said to be the actor’s launch vehicle for his political entry, is all set to... face the elections by joining hands with the main opposition AIADMK.

“In all probability, the AIADMK leadership may allot three seats to Vijay’s outfit. The actor will not contest the polls. However, he may tour the whole State campaigning for the alliance,” sources say.

“Two important office bearers of the Makkal Iyakkam and Vijay’s father S A Chandrasekar will fight the elections on behalf of the Ilaya Thalapathi,” they add. Remember Vijay recently came down heavily on the ruling DMK for allegedly posing hurdles to his film ‘Kavalan’.

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