tamil cinema news: Billa 2 - Official Announcement ?

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Billa 2 - Official Announcement ? 0 Comments

By NIsha
Tuesday, March 1, 2011 | Posted in , , ,

This has been confirmed by In Entertainment (India) Limited, the company backing Ajith’s ‘Billa 2’ along with Wide Angle Creations, a production house led by Suresh Balaje and George Pius.
Sunir Kheterpal, CEO – In Entertainment, says, “With Chakri Toleti coming on board to helm directorial reigns of ‘Billa 2’, pre-production work has gathered steam. We are currently meeting with key technicians and holding auditions for the remaining cast.”

“We should be able to announce key members of the cast and crew by March 15 and we plan to commence principal photography for the film in the first week of May 2011,” Kheterpal adds.

Confirming his association with the film, Yuvan Shankar Raja comments, “I have been looking forward to work with Ajith and Wide Angle Creations. With In and Chakri on board and dates confirmed, I am delighted to be a part of the ‘Billa’ franchise and will endeavour to present something unique, which will take the legacy of ‘Billa’ (2007) further.”

On his part, Ajith says, “Development team at Mumbai is currently working on the story and screenplay of ‘Billa’ with inputs from the director. I am looking forward to be working with Chakri Toleti, who, in a short period of less than a fortnight, has brought in the freshness, energy and vigour required for this project. Yuvan is an integral part of the ‘Billa’ franchise and all of us are glad to have him on board.”

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