tamil cinema news: Vijay’s Makkal Iyakkam Support AIADMK ?

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Vijay’s Makkal Iyakkam Support AIADMK ? 0 Comments

By NIsha

Vijay’s dad and director, SA Chandrasekar, met the AIADMK Supremo J Jayalalitha at the Sangam Hotel in Trichy to offer his support during the upcoming election.

The meeting lasted for 20 minutes with SAC reiterating that Vijay’s Makkal Iyakkam will support the party to ensure its win. However, SAC pointed out that he is not a member of any political party till now.

The director has said that he will campaign in support of the AIADMK but did not disclose if Vijay will also follow suit. SAC added that neither he nor Vijay are in a hurry to enter politics but will certainly do so in the future.

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