tamil cinema news: Mankatha Release Postponed!

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Mankatha Release Postponed! 0 Comments

By NIsha
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 | Posted in , , , ,

‘Thala’ Ajith’s 50th film Mankatha directed by Venkat Prabhu was going to release on the 1st of May which is incidentally Ajith’s birthday too. But the latest news is that, the release has been postponed to June. When asked about it, the director reasons that there are plenty of action sequences in the film which are going to be shot in Mumbai from today (March 16th) and it will go on till the second week of April.

By then, the talkie portion of the film will be complete but two songs are also left for picturisation. Keeping all this in mind, the producer who does not want to compromise on the quality has decided to give enough time for the film making and to push the release to the month of June. We hope it doesn’t get postponed any further for we are waiting to watch the film.

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