tamil cinema news: Venkat Prabhu also Play in ‘Mankaatha’?

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Venkat Prabhu also Play in ‘Mankaatha’? 0 Comments

By NIsha

The star cast of ‘Mankaatha’ seems to get bigger and bigger. The latest addition to the cast has been Andrea. We have very reliable sources close to the director of ‘Mankaatha’ revealing that the team will be leaving to Mumbai on Sunday for the next schedule of shooting. Venkat Prabhu will be shooting portions involving the hero of the film Ajith and lead lady Trisha. Arjun and Andrea too will be a part of the team leaving to Mumbai.

When Venkat Prabhu decided to direct ‘Mankaatha’ and managed to get the call sheets of all the artists involved, he did not know that he would face a time crunch in releasing the movie. Since a host of busy stars are involved bringing them together for a shoot was a big challenge due to their dates clashing. This issue seems to have been sorted out with the main cast and the crew heading to Mumbai now.

Yuvan has composed music for this Venkat Prabhu creation too and the album will be released May 1, on Ajith’s birthday! The director is confident that the music of ‘Mankaatha’ will set the music charts of the state on fire. There are rumors running rife that Venkat Prabhu might play a role in front of the camera too. We do not have any reports confirming this but we will let you know the moment it is confirmed.

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